Colorful, organic, spontaneous.
At the heart, my work is about exploration. The excitement for me is in the freedom to respond, and to not be confined by rules. The paper or canvas become my private world to experiment with color, line and shape.
Often I paint without any real plan, preferring to let one decision inform the next. What draws me in is the surprise of something starting to take shape. Staying free to chase a whim keeps the process of creating alive for me.
Nature is endlessly inspiring—Its ever changing color pallets, tiny details and multitude of textures. Spending time in some aspect of nature each day is not only inspiration for my art, but a necessary need for my spirit. My faith keeps me always coming back to the master artist, the one who created it all.
The common moments in life have always moved me. Dancing with my kids, light and shadow, birds singing—my list could fill a book. It’s in ordinary experiences that I find so much beauty and deep gratitude for being alive, which in turn fills me with the inspiration to create.